The Magician Performs Miracles

Text by Cathy Ulrich, Interactives by Lucy Zhang

The Magician Cures Starvation

A thousand hollow-eyed, rumble-bellied children come out on the stage one by one. They are given a bowl of soup and crustless sandwich, cooing white dove that lights atop their heads. They each bow to the audience, suck their soup-drip fingers. A thousand dove wings rustle.

The Magician Brings Your Grandmother Back from the Dead

She is kind in a way that she never was when she was alive, wears a ruffled apron, smells of cinnamon-sugar pie crusts. Her cheeks apple when she smiles. She spots you in the audience, waggles her fingers, calls yoo-hoo, yoo-hoo, and you dot at your teary eyes with a silk handkerchief that has appeared in your hands.

She waves, beautiful as birdwings, waves, waves until she is unconjured, vanishes as a piteousness of soft-white doves.

The Magician Makes Obama President Again

He says: I can only do it if you believe.

He says: Clap if you believe.

His voice is like a child forest god calling a fading tinker fairy back from the dark, he says clap, he says clap, clap, clap, and the audience roar startles up doves, everywhere, black-eye, white-wing doves.

The Magician Does a Card Trick

It is a very good card trick.

The Magician Sweeps Up After

In the empty, dark auditorium, the magician wields a broomstick army, sweep, sweep, sweeps up the tumble-fuzz of dove-wing feathers, cloudbursts of popcorn, discarded napkins and tear-heavy tissues.

The Magician Takes a Bow

And so do the starving children and your grandmother's ghost and everyone's favorite pets and President Obama and dancing brooms, and the audience cheers and the audience thinks it will never be like this, it will never be like this again.

And outside there is a thunderstorm of doves.

Cathy Ulrich knew how to do a card trick once. It wasn't a very good card trick. Her work has been published in various journals, including Adroit, Empty House and Tiny Molecules.

Lucy Zhang writes, codes, and watches anime. Find her on Twitter @Dango_Ramen.